Small Study Group Series
Eight online sessions with
Dr Wendy Harding
Small Study Group Series
Eight live interactive online sessions with
Dr Wendy Harding
Eight two-hour sessions 3 – 5 pm
Monday 2 August till 4 October 2021 (Excluding 30 August, 27 September)
NIODA is offering alumni and friends of NIODA an exciting and valuable opportunity to explore online small group dynamics through participation in a small study group. Studying online small group dynamics is likely to be new to all, with the learning providing such an edge to the work we are all currently engaged in on virtual mediums. The study group method is that of the traditional Tavistock style study group method. In this, the participant group explore their own conscious and unconscious patterns of small group behaviour in the ‘here and now’ using group/system-level analysis. This design encourages in-depth ‘learning through experience’ as well as laying a theoretical foundation for understanding interpersonal group dynamics.
Through this experience, it is anticipated participants will increase their capacity to identify, analyse and manage online and onsite workgroup dynamics; to appreciate the emotional labour of work, and to enable constructive leader-follower relations.
The direct group experience is supplemented by critical discussion of selected theories and models of group dynamics.
Your learning will be supported with weekly readings.
Dr Wendy Harding will lead and manage the sessions, along with taking up the consultant role to the study group.
Small Study Group Series: Dr Wendy Harding
AUD $2,000 for eight live interactive online two-hour sessions
The study group will be fully interactive and online. The commitment is for eight, two-hour sessions on Monday evenings 3 – 5 pm (Melbourne time). The two hours will involve one hour of a traditional Group Relations style small study group and one hour of reflection, development of working hypotheses and links to work.
3 – 5 pm 🇨🇰 Melbourne
1 – 3 pm 🇸🇬 Singapore
6 – 8 am 🇬🇧 London
1 – 3 am (eek!) 🇺🇸 New York
Please note, there are time zone shifts during these sessions to daylight savings and wintertime, so the session times do vary. The time listed below is set to calculate the first start time depending on the time zone of your computer. The first session will start at:
time start
Small Study Group Series 2021
CEO & Director of Academic Programs NIODA, Australia
Dr Wendy Harding is a senior practitioner in the Australian and global organisation dynamics field. Dr Harding is the current CEO and Director of Academic Programs at NIODA, having over 30 years’ experience in teaching, consulting, coaching, supervision and research. Across these years Wendy has undertaken many coaching, supervision, consultancy and action research projects in a broad span of organisational settings from large government departments to a variety of corporate and not-for-profit organisations. Organisational consulting projects have focussed on team and whole of organisation development and structural and cultural change, using a range of intervention methods. Individual coaching and supervision have been undertaken with a culturally diverse range of people working at all levels in organisations from executive level to direct service delivery.
Wendy’s coaching/supervision/consulting philosophy is based in strong beliefs in the capacity of people to be able to make change that supports their work. The role of a coach/supervisor/consultant is then to provide opportunity for shared reflection and consideration of the experience of undertaking the work in the organisation. In coaching and supervising deep reflection enables unblocking of obstructions to think, learn and action differently about the work. In organisational consulting what is enabled is the capacity to influence structure, culture and strategic processes, to thus add value to the organisation. Wendy’s practice involves the introduction of theory, method and technologies in support of these considerations, however, at its core is always about reflection and dialogue; about people working constructively together.
When & Where
NIODA Small Study Group Series 2020: Eight two-hour live interactive online sessions with Dr Wendy Harding
📆 Dates
Monday 2 August – 4 October 2021
⏰. Session Times
3 – 5 pm 🇨🇰 Melbourne
1 – 3 pm 🇸🇬 Singapore
6 – 8 am 🇬🇧 London
1 – 3 am (eek!) 🇺🇸 New York
Please note there is a mid-session break on Monday 30 August
and no session on Monday 27 September
Due to changes in different countries for daylight savings, summertime, wintertime there will be variations. At the beginning of October, Melbourne changes to daylight savings time, so there is a variation of one hour for other time zones.
💷 For only
AUD $2,000 including; all eight two-hour session; study group, weekly readings, and critical discussions with limited participant numbers
👩🏻💻. Location
Live interactive online sessions via Zoom
The National Institute of Organisation Dynamics Australia (NIODA) offers internationally renowned post-graduate education and research in organisation dynamics, and decades of experience consulting with Australian organisations.
The study of organisation dynamics brings together socio-technical and psychoanalytic disciplines to explore the unconscious dynamics that exist in every group, team or organisation. Learning more about these theories, and reflecting on the experience of them, can support leaders and managers to unlock great potential in their organisations, tackling issues through a whole new light.
Get In Touch
PO box 287, Collins Street West,
Melbourne 8007 Australia
+61 414 529 867
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