Discover what’s really going on

Is the ‘tried and tested’ approach no longer working for you?

We offer new and creative ways to understand and deal with complex challenges and difficult problems.

The result is improved organisational leadership, work culture, structure, systems and processes.

Our approach is relevant, practical and able to be immediately applied to improve your organisation

Bespoke interventions

Tailored to suit your needs

Executive team development
Board review for increased effectiveness
Organisational diagnosis and development
Transforming teams for high performance

live interactive online or onsite

Dates to suit you

NIODA offers experiential training programs tailored to your organisation’s needs. Through action learning, work groups develop thoughtful ways to work together, discover practical solutions to problems and embed a work culture anchored in mutual respect, collaboration and communication.

live interactive online or onsite

Available now

Organisational culture is embedded in shared assumptions, values, norms, and beliefs that guide behaviour in organisations. 

Aligning culture with organisational purpose is critical to success.

We work with you to reveal and understand the current state of your organisational culture, what is really going on. We help to name what is known but may have previously been hard to articulate about organisational experience, what has been ‘just under the surface’. With a deeper understanding of the ‘current state’ of organisational culture, we can help define the issues and design effective interventions to make shifts towards cultural alignment with organisational purpose.

live interactive online or onsite

Available now

NIODA offers Coaching for Leadership, Workshops for aspiring leaders, and Professional subscription for alumni

live interactive online or onsite

Seeking a new approach?

Insightful ways to help you create real change

It is easy to solve problems that you know how to solve, but are they the problems that you actually have?

We work with you to explore the conscious and practical dimensions of organisational life, while also paying attention to unconscious (hidden) aspects. This approach reveals what is really going on; allowing enduring change to be achieved.

We are committed and passionate about working in partnership with you to think together to develop ideas, designs and solutions that can be applied immediately to improve your organisation.

Real change is possible

NIODA staff have specialist qualifications and expertise and are skilled in utilising themselves and their emotional experiences as important sources of data for the work.


We tolerate the anxieties affiliated with not-knowing, so that deeper insight into your experiences and conundrums is discerned.


We believe that learning from experience is fundamental to the capacity of individuals, groups and organisations to grow and develop creatively.


Creative work in organisations is dependent upon systems, structures and ways of working that provide containment for the anxieties that all work naturally engenders.


We understand that conscious and unconscious processes can influence the ways in which organisations are structured.

It’s about slowing down enough to tune into what is really keeping the organisation stuck. Creating opportunities for you to have an ‘aha’ moment and then act on this insight to achieve the change you seek.

Dr Brigid Nossal

Who is this for?

Individuals, groups and organisational leaders who are seeking an innovative approach to complex challenges and difficult problems. When your ‘tried and true’ approach is no longer working.

What we do...

Offer organisations and the people who work in them new and creative ways to understand and deal with complex dilemmas, exercise leadership, foster a healthy work culture, and transform systems for high performance.

We deliver!

Services that positively impact the organisation’s leadership, work culture, structure and processes by working with the conscious and practical aspects of organisational life while also paying attention to what may be unconscious or hidden.

Our Approach


We are guided by a number of ‘living’ assumptions – dynamic, responsive and available to be questioned and reshaped to reflect the current realities for you and your organisation.

Let’s attempt to define these assumptions:

Organisations are essentially people behaving. The question is, how they behave and whether this is in support of the organisation’s task and purpose or unwittingly working against it.

Organisations are made up of many interacting individuals, groups and systems (social, emotional and task-related systems) functioning in both conscious and unconscious ways.

Leading intelligence can be created by reflecting upon the experience of working. This can both inform organisational planning and grow people’s capacity and appetite for their work task.

Work worth doing will create some level of anxiety. Organisations, as living systems, create structures and cultures to manage this anxiety. To make this explicit opens up choices about what works best in the service of the task.


Opening the space to think differently and to go on thinking in the face of turbulence;
exploring and creating possibilities

Ms Helen McKelvie

Ms Helen McKelvie

Leadership Development & Consulting Lead

Dr Brigid Nossal

Dr Brigid Nossal


Dr Wendy Harding

Dr Wendy Harding


Ms Jennifer Burrows

Ms Jennifer Burrows

Principal Consultant

Mr Thomas Mitchell

Mr Thomas Mitchell

Master's Course Lead

Engage people in

a collaborative process of analysing, making sense and creating insights.

That delivers you

better decision making, adaptive changes and sustainable outcomes.

To positively impact

leadership, service design, workflow systems, roles and work culture.

Valued by Organisations

PO Box 287, Collins Street West,
Wurundjeri Melbourne  8007  Australia
+61 (0) 414 529 867

NIODA acknowledges the Kulin Nations, and respective Traditional Custodians of the lands we work on.
We pay our respects to Elders past and present, and recognise their enduring sovereignty which has, and continues to, care for Country.
NIODA welcomes the Uluru Statement from the Heart’s invitation to walk with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in a collective movement for a better future.

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