Doctor of Philosophy
Proposed to commence 2020

Information for research candidates


NIODA Doctor of Philosophy by thesis (PhD) will be a research degree offering candidates the opportunity to develop high level research skills in the field of systems psychodynamics.

Candidates will use the skills they acquired in the NIODA MLM (OD) (or approved alternative) to undertake in-depth research and for the outcome to be assessed as a contribution to knowledge.

About the program

PhD candidates will be required to make a significant original contribution to the field of systems psychodynamics by submitting a written research thesis, of between 80,000 to 100,000 words.

Consistent with the AQF Level 10 , a PhD candidate is expected to:

  • engage in critical reflection, synthesis and evaluation
  • develop, adapt and implement research methodologies to extend and redefine existing knowledge
  • disseminate and promote new insights to peers and the community
  • generate original knowledge and understanding to make a substantial contribution to the field of system psychodynamics.

Candidates’ research will be informed by leading edge theory and applied methods relevant to systems psychodynamics and will include:

  • Research Methodology unit
  • Theory seminar
  • Proposal writing workshops
  • Approval of proposed research topic and NIODA Human Research Ethics Committee approval
  • Group reflection sessions
  • Conducting the research and writing a thesis of between 80,000 to 100,000 words

Candidates will be supported on their research journey by the co-leads of the Doctoral Program and a Primary and Associate Supervisor. The Primary Supervisor is responsible for managing the supervision process. Regular interaction and communication with supervisors will occur throughout candidacy to provide appropriate academic support, monitor progress and performance and ensure appropriate outcomes. Contact with other research degree candidates through discussions forums, workshops and group reflection sessions will be encouraged.

How will the program be delivered?

In the first year you will participate in:

  • Research Methodology unit
  • Theory seminar
  • Proposal writing workshops
  • Group reflection sessions
  • Individual Supervision

The first year will be delivered over:

  • 0ne, three-day module
  • two, two-day modules
  • eighteen hours of individual supervision.

Delivery of years two to six:

It is anticipated that candidates would have received ethics approval to proceed with their research by the end of year one. Years two to six will comprise a mix of research reflection, theory development sessions, thesis writing workshops and individual supervision.

Years two to six will each comprise three two-day modules and 18 hours (years two to five) and 30 hours (years six) of individual supervision.

See the PhD Course Information Guide 2020 for more information about this degree. [Link to PhD Course Information Guide 2020]

When Can I apply?

Applications for the 2020 intake will open in [insert month] 2019.

For further information you can contact the NIODA Director of Academic Programs by emailing Dr Wendy Harding.

How long will it take to complete?

The normal duration of the degree is six years and the maximum period of candidature is nine years.

Candidature is not extended beyond the maximum course duration timeframes or beyond maximum time of leave of absence entitlements unless there are exceptional or unforeseen circumstances. In such circumstances a formal request for an extension to the course duration and/or maximum time of leave of absence entitlements must be submitted to the Director of Academic Programs, along with supporting medical and/or other formal documentation.

The minimum period of candidature is 4.5 years.

See the Eligibility, Admissions and Enrolment Policy [Link to Eligibility, Admissions and Enrolment Policy] for more information.

What qualifications do I need to be accepted?

The program will be open to graduates of the NIODA Master of Leadership and Management (Organisation Dynamics) and others from programs deemed comparable, or to potential candidates able to demonstrate capacity and capability in the organisation dynamics discipline.

Applicants will normally be required to have achieved a credit level or higher in their final Masters assessment to be eligible to apply for the NIODA Doctor of Philosophy degree.

Exceptions to this requirement will be considered where evidence is provided of appropriate academic qualifications and/or experience that satisfies the PhD Program leads and the NIODA Education Committee that the applicant has a well-developed knowledge of the field of systems psychodynamics and the potential for research sufficient to undertake the proposed program.

Entry will be subject to a detailed application and interview process to assess suitability. [Application form]

Candidates entering this degree are required to have a minimum level of English language proficiency (details of these requirements can be found in the English Proficiency Requirements).

See the Eligibility, Admissions and Enrolment Policy [Eligibility, Admissions and Enrolment Policy] for more information.

How much will it cost?

The cost of the degree is $5,750 per semester.

Fees are invoiced semester by semester.

Payment for all fees should be by direct deposit or credit card made payable to NIODA.

Fees must be paid in full, on a date determined by NIODA; that is at least two weeks prior to the commencement of the semester in which the student is enrolled.

Students or candidates withdrawing or taking Leave of Absence after the census date of the relevant semester will be charged full fees for that semester.

Fees are subject to a 5% annual increase, rounded to the nearest $10.

How to apply?

Application for the course involves completion of a written form and a face to face interview. Successful applicants will be made a formal offer of place after which they can proceed to enrol.

Get In Touch

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PO box 287, Collins Street West  Melbourne  8007  Australia
+61 414 529 867

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