Professor Susan Long

PhD Co-Lead and Research Lead

Professor Susan Long is PhD Co-Lead and Research Lead at NIODA. She was formerly Professor of Creative and Sustainable Organisation at RMIT University in Melbourne.

Currently, she supervises research students and conducts organisational research. Susan also teaches and supervises doctoral candidates at different universities including a Professional Doctorate conducted at the Melbourne Institute of Creative Arts Therapy and supported through the National Institute of Organisation Dynamics Australia (NIODA), teaches in the INSEAD Master of Coaching and Consulting program in Singapore and also works as part of the MSc Leading at the Edge program conducted by the Grubb Institute in Australia.

As an organisational consultant in private practice Susan works with organisational change, executive coaching, board development, role analysis, team development and management training. She originally trained as a clinical psychologist and psychotherapist.

Susan’s experience of working with people as individuals and in groups and organisations gives her a broad perspective on management practices. Susan’s capacity as a teacher and organizational consultant/ researcher has led her to be invited onto the boards of prestigious organizations and elected onto the committees of professional bodies.

She is a member of Comcare’s advisory board for the Center of Excellence for Research into Mental Health at Work and a former member of the Board of the Judicial College of Victoria. She was the founding President of Group Relations Australia and a past president of the International Society for the Psychoanalytic Study of Organisations. Her participative research has attracted grants through the Australian research Council and industry. She has published ten books and many journal articles.

Professor Susan Long
Although there are many different types of personalities in the world, and their complexities and differences are fascinating; people’s behaviours, thoughts and feelings are most strongly influenced by the roles they take up and the tasks they undertake. This effect is not experienced consciously and so people tend to think in terms of personality. But, roles and tasks belong to groups and organisations. Everything changes when you are a parent, a government official, a CEO, a nurse, a lawyer or a call center worker. Tasks and roles “call out” different parts of you. You think different thoughts and different feelings are experienced in different roles and doing different tasks. These may travel across roles, but they are often unique to the role. I am hugely curious about this.
Professor Susan Long


PhD, Structural Analysis of Small Groups, Melbourne University.

Master of Education, Monash University.

TSTC, Monash Teachers College.

Bachelor of Arts (Honours), Melbourne University.



Long, S.D. and Manley, J. (eds.) (2019) Social Dreaming: Philosophy, research, theory and practice. London: Routledge.

Long, S.D. (ed.) 2016 Transforming Experience in Organisations: A framework for organisational research and consultancy. London: Karnac

Long, S. 2013. Socioanalytic Methods. London: Karnac.

Long, S. and Sievers, B. 2012. Towards a Socioanalysis of Money, Finance and Capitalism: Beneath the surface of the financial industry. London: Routledge.

Long, S.D. 2008. The Perverse Organisation and its Deadly Sins. Karnac: London

Newton, J., Long, S. and Sievers, B. (Eds.) 2006. Coaching in Depth: The organisational role analysis method. London: Karnac.

Long, S.D. (Ed) 1995. International Perspectives on Organisations in Times of Turbulence. Melbourne: Swinburne University.

Long, S.D. 1995. A Structural Analysis of Small Groups. Hebrew Translation. Kiryat Bialik, Israel: ACH Publishers.

Long, S.D. 1992. A Structural Analysis of Small Groups. London: Routledge.

Bain, A., Long, S. and Ross, S. 1992. Paper Houses: The Absence of Authority in a Government School. Melbourne: Collins Dove.


Chapters in Books

Long, S.D. 2013. Introduction: Socioanalytic Methodology. In S. Long (Ed.), Socioanalytic Methods, ( pp.xix-xxx.). London: Karnac.

Long, S.D and Harney, M. 2013. The Associative Unconscious. In S. Long (Ed.), Socioanalytic Methods (pp. 3-22). London: Karnac.

Long, S.D. and Harding, W. (2013). Socioanalytic Interviewing. In S. Long (Ed.), Socioanalytic Methods, (pp. 91-106). London: Karnac. Long, S.D. (2013). Role Biography, Role History and the Reflection Group. In S. Long (Ed.), Socioanalytic Methods. London: Karnac

Long, S.D. 2013. Using and creating socioanalytic methods. In S. Long (Ed.), Socioanalytic Methods,(pp. 307-314). London, Karnac. Long, S.D. 2013. Learning Authority from the Playground to the Workplace. In Acuna, E. (Ed.) – forthcoming publication

Long, S.D. 2012. Greed. In S. Long and B. Sievers (Eds.), Towards a Socioanalysis of Money, Finance and Capitalism: Beneath the surface of the financial industry. London: Routledge.

Long, S.D. 2012. Trauma as a Cause and Effect of Perverse Organisational Process. In E. Hopper (Ed.), Trauma and Organizations. London: Karnac.

Long, S.D. 2010. Images of Leadership. In H. Brunning and M. Perini, Psychoanalytic Perspectives on a Turbulent World. London: Karnac.

Long, S.D. 2009. Sad, Mad or Bad: What approaches should we take to organisational states-of-mind? In Burkard Sievers (Ed.), Psychoanalytic Studies of Organizations: Contributions from the International Society for the Psychoanalytic Study of Organizations (ISPSO). 1983-2008. London: Karnac.

Long, S.D., Penny, D., Gold, S. and Harding, W. 2010. A Shared Vision: Using Action Research/Learning for Work Culture Change in a Cardiology Department. In J Braithwaite, P. Hyde and C. Pope (Eds.), Culture and Climate in Health Care Organizations. Great Britain: Palgrave Mc Millan.

Long, S.D. 2009. The Community System: Inter-subjective Approaches to Group Relations. In Sher Papers from the second Belgirate Conference. London: Karnac.

Long, S.D. 2009. Systeme unbewusster Vereinbarungen: Shatten durch die Zeit. In Sievers, B. (Ed.), Psychodynamik von Organisationen. Goethestr. Gieben: Psychosozial-Verlag/ Haland & Wirth.

Long, S.D. 2006. Drawing from Role Biography in Organisational Role Analysis. In Newton, J. Long, S. and Sievers, B. (Eds.), Coaching in Depth: The organisational role analysis method. London: Karnac Books.

Long, S.D. (2003). Wer bin ich bie der Arbeit? Ein Beitrag zur Identifikation und Identitat bie der Arbeit. In B. Sievers, D. Ohlmeier, B. Oberhoff & U. Beumer (Eds.), Das Unbewusste in Organisationen. Goethestr, Gieben: Psychosozial-Verlag/ Haland & Wirth.

Long, S.D. 2002. The Internal Team: A Discussion of the Socio-Emotional Dynamics of Team (work). In R. Weisner and B. Millett (Eds.), Human Resource Management: Contemporary challenges and future direction. An interactive digital book on CD Rom, Wiley

Long, S.D. 2002. Building an Institution for Experiential Learning. In L. Gould, L. Stapley and E. Stein (Eds.), Applied Experiential Learning: The Group Relations Training Approach. Contributions in honour of Eric J Miller. Madison: Psycho-social Press.

Long, S. 2001. Working with Organizations: the Contribution of the Psychoanalytic Discourse. Organisational and Social Dynamics, 2, 174 – 198.

Long, S.D., Newton, J. & Dalgleish, J. 2000. In the Presence of the Other: Developing working relations for organisational learning. In E. Klein, F. Gablenick and P. Herr (Eds.), Dynamic Consultation in a Changing Workplace. Madison: Psycho-Social Press.

Dalgleish. J. and Long, S.D. 2005. Management’s Fear of Market Responses. In E. Klein (Ed.), Relatedness in a Global Economy. USA: Psycho-Social Press.

Long, S.D. 2000. Conflict and Co-operation: Two sides of the same coin. In R. Wiesner and B. Millet (Eds.), Current Issues in Organizational Behaviour. Jacaranda Wiley.

Long, S.D. 1997. Women and Corporate Leadership: The Transformers or the Transformed. In E. Klein and F. Gabelnick, The Psychodynamics of Leadership. Madison, USA: Psychosocial Press.

Long, S.D. 1995. Teaching Organisation Behaviour to Eastern European Managers: A Process of Adaptation to Change. In Jerome Witt (Ed.), Central and Eastern Europe and the CIS. NY:Haworth Press.

Nossal, B. & Long, S. 2012. Beyond the Family Psychic Template in E. Aram, R. Baxter & A. Nutkevitch (Eds.), Group Relations Conferences: Tradition, Creativity and Succession in the Global Group Relations Network (pp. 93-112). London: Karnac.


Journal Articles

Long, S.D. (forthcoming) ‘The Unconscious Won’t go Away’ Organisation and Social Dynamics London, Karnac

And over 20 articles in refereed journals including:

International Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies; Human Relations; Psychodynamic Practice; Social and Organizational Dynamics; Socio-analysis; Organizations and People; Journal of Psycho-Social studies; Freie Assoziation; The Journal of Management Development; The Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government; Journal of Teaching in International Business; Australian Journal of Psychotherapy.

Editor: Socioanalysis (since 1999)

Special Edition Editor: Organization Studies 2012

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